No Helmets in the Hockey Ads?

Our new personal injury advertisements have been running for a little over a week. See them here :

1) We Play to Win 
2) We Play to Win
3) We Play to Win

brenda helmet
We have received a ton of positive feedback and quite a few “lol” comments from people trying to imagine Brenda shooting a one-timer.

The point of the commercials is, of course, that you need a winning team to help you fight the insurance industry.  The hockey theme is a tie-in to our city’s love of the game and our close connection to this community.

Interestingly, we have also had a few emails from viewers who wonder about the lack of helmets.  Why are Richard Auger and Brenda Hollingsworth not wearing helmets?

The answer to that question is pretty simple.  We wanted to look like lawyers.  We have hockey helmets.  (Many!!)  We tried them on while shooting the commercial.  The “joke” of the commercial –lawyers in suits playing hockey– did not work when we had the helmets on.

Add to that the fact that the shooting of the commercial was very controlled and very safe.  There was no real risk that we would be hurt short of a freak fall.  We were mostly standing still or going very slowly and we are not bad skaters.

Having said all that, if you are really playing hockey or skating, please wear a helmet.  Your safety is important to us.


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