Ottawa Bicycle Accident Lawyers

Bicycling is a great way to get around while also enjoying the benefits of exercise and being outdoors, which is why every day thousands of Canadians use bicycles. However, when bikers share the road with automobiles, it can be very dangerous and unfortunately, sometimes accidents occur. Being involved in a bicycle accident is traumatic and can also cause serious injuries and expensive medical bills.

If you or a loved one was the victim of a bike accident, contact an experienced personal injury bike accident attorney in Ottawa today. When you are injured because of the negligence of another person or driver, you have the right to file a claim and be compensated for your injuries, missed time from work, and pain and suffering.

Bicycle Accident Lawyers Near Ottawa

Major causes of bike accidents in Ottawa

There are all sorts of ways bike accidents can occur and they are not always someone’s fault or the result of negligence. However, when there is an accident because of a negligent or reckless driver, bikers have the right to file a personal injury claim in Ottawa.

Some of the most common causes of bike accidents in Ottawa include:

  • Distracted driving. This is one of the leading causes of all car accidents. Whether a driver is texting, talking on the phone, eating, or simply not paying attention to the road, just a split second of not paying attention can cause a dangerous accident.
  • The right hook. This sort of accident refers to when a driver has a bicyclist on their right and makes a right-hand turn without looking, cutting off the cyclist and causing a collision.
  • Left turns. When a car makes a left-hand turn and cuts off a cyclist who is travelling in the opposite direction.
  • Bad roads. When roads are not properly maintained they can be very dangerous for cyclists. Bikers should always be on the lookout for potholes and debris in the road that could cause an accident.
  • Car doors. When drivers open their car doors suddenly and without looking, bikers can be struck with the door and suffer a serious accident.

While cycling accidents can happen anywhere, most tend to occur in urban areas where there are more cars on the road. Unfortunately, drivers in Canada don’t always lookout for cyclists, and sadly, this causes many accidents as well.

The most common bike accident injuries

Bicycle accidents can happen for several reasons, so it’s important to stay safe and always wear a helmet when you’re on your bike. Injuries from cycling accidents can range from minor bumps and bruises to paralysis and even death. Some of the most common cycling accidents in Ottawa include:

  • Head injuries such as concussions closed head injury and traumatic brain injury.
  • Neck, back, and spinal cord injuries.
  • Road rash.
  • Broken bones and bruises.
  • Knee and leg injuries.
  • Arm injuries such as dislocations and fractures.
  • Scarring and disfigurement. 
  • Clavicle breaks.
  • Amputation.

Unlike drivers in passenger cars, bikers have nothing (besides a helmet) between them and the road. That’s why when an accident occurs between a cyclist and a motor vehicle, the cyclist is especially vulnerable. 

Who is liable for a bicycle crash?

Determining who was at fault in a bicycle accident is important for establishing liability and winning your personal injury claim. If the driver of a motor vehicle engaged in any of the following behaviour, they can be liable for the accident:

  • Opening a door directly into a cyclist’s path.
  • Turning or changing lanes without using their turn signal.
  • Ignoring a cyclist’s right of way or turning into an intersection without looking out for cyclists.

It’s important to know that if you are found to be partially at fault for the accident, your settlement award will be reduced to reflect the percentage of fault. If you are found to be primarily at fault for the accident, you may not be entitled to any compensation at all.

Also, after a bicycle accident, it is common for the insurance company of the at-fault driver to claim “contributory negligence.” This means that there was some negligence on the part of the cyclist—a tactic that is often used to avoid financial liability for the insurance company. However, having a qualified cycling accident attorney in Ottawa on your team can help you negotiate a fair settlement for your injuries or take the case to court if need be. 

Compensation for bike accidents

No matter who was at fault for the accidents, there are certain benefits you are entitled to. These are referred to as Statutory Accident Benefits (SABS, ABS, or no-fault). These benefits include:

  • Attendant care 
  • Clothing replacement
  • Income replacement benefits
  • Medical and rehabilitation costs
  • Visitor expenses

However, if the accident was the fault of the driver and you can prove it, then you have the right to file a negligence claim. In a damages claim (aka tort claim), damages can be recovered for the following:

  • Loss of income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Housekeeping expenses
  • Excess medical compensation

After an accident, deciding how to proceed and file a claim can be confusing and stressful. That’s why it’s so important you have a personal injury attorney on your team in Ottawa who can defend your rights and negotiate the best settlement on your behalf. 

Cycling accidents and the Ontario Insurance Act 

Under the Ontario Insurance Act, cyclists who were injured in an accident with a motor vehicle are provided with certain accident benefits, including medical treatment and rehabilitative care, funeral and death benefits care, and income loss replacement. 

Suffering an injury on a bicycle can be painful and stressful, but with the right personal injury attorney on your team, you can get the most out of your Ontario accident benefits claims.

Cycling accidents and the Ontario Insurance Act

Contact the accident injury lawyers in Ottawa today

Auger Hollingsworth accident and injury lawyers have years of experience helping clients in Ottawa recover fair compensation for their injuries and pain and suffering. Our clients are our number one priority, and we fight hard to make sure they get what they deserve. For a free consultation with one of our qualified cycling accident attorneys, contact us today at +1 (613) 233-4529 or online.

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