
accident lawyer

When should I call the Police after an Ontario motor vehicle accident?

After suffering a motor vehicle accident in Ottawa there are many things going through your mind.  Many people wonder when they should call the Police to the scene.  Is it only when there is significant damage to the car, or are there other considerations to keep in mind?If you have [...]

Why is the legal process of my Ontario personal injury claim so long?

After clients have filed their Ontario personal injury claim,  they can be surprised by the length of time it takes to see any real action. Clients want to know why their lawsuit is taking time to unfold and what is currently being done. To have your questions on the claim process [...]

Should I hire an Ottawa personal injury lawyer for my Ottawa accident?

The benefits of hiring an Ottawa personal injury lawyer for your Ottawa accident. An increasing number of personal injury lawyers from big cities are advertising in Ottawa. You might be wondering why you should hire an Ottawa personal injury lawyer after your Ottawa accident.  These accidents include a  motor vehicle [...]

Why do I need an Ottawa personal injury lawyer?

At our law firm we are regularly reminded why it is vitally important to get legal help early after an Ottawa motor vehicle accident.  When you don't, valuable evidence can be lost or forgotten. Recently we were preparing our client for examination for discovery.  That is the step in the [...]

What if I am in an Ottawa Accident and Not Wearing My Seat Belt?

It is widely accepted that seat belts can help prevent or reduce injury in the event of a car accident. Further, wearing a seat belt while driving or riding in a vehicle is mandatory across Canada, and failing to do so is considered a punishable offence. Consequently, there are [...]

Things To Consider After a Motorcycle Accident

                Riding a motorcycle carries with it a higher burden of responsibility than for most drivers on the roads.  You are not encased in a steel frame and you do not have the added protection of seatbelts and airbags.  Riders must exercise extra caution as they are more vulnerable to [...]

By |February 25, 2012|Blog|

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