What Are The Components Of A Rehabilitation Program?

The injuries that result from an Ontario car accident include fractures, sprains, chest or knee contusions caused by impacts with steering wheels, dashboard, or airbags as well as a wide variety of soft-tissue injuries.

The treatment prescribed by a physiatrist or other specialist  could include following,  in addition to more traditional rehab measures such as physiotherapy and pain prescriptions:

•Progressive exercisesRehab
•Massage therapy
•Joint mobilization
•Postural alignment training.
There are 159 physiatrists in Ontario, with many of the top practitioners in the Ottawa-area. Ask for a referral from your family doctor if you think this might assist in your rehabilitation. Physiatry services are generally covered by OHIP.

If you have been injured in an Ontario accident and you would like a consultation with an Ottawa personal injury lawyer, please call 613-233-4529, email  [email protected] or use our contact form to request a free consultation.

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