
January 2011

How long do I have to sue after an Ontario accident?

Ottawa Lawyer -- There is a two year limitation period for most adult personal injury cases in Ontario.  This means that you must hire a lawyer and begin the legal process within two years of your accident.  In some circumstances, shorter notice requirements are in place which means that [...]

Do I need a lawyer for my Ottawa injury case?

Ottawa lawyer-- Some people who suffer a personal injury in Ottawa might be able to negotiate a settlement without the help of a lawyer.  Most often these cases involve minor injuries that improve or heal quickly, and no significant wage loss.  However, for more significant injuries, it is in your [...]

Kingston Personal Injury Lawyer

Kingston Lawyer - If you have a Kingston car accident claim or a Kingston slip and fall claim, find out what your personal injury lawyer can help you recover and what she can’t. For a Kingston car accident claim, there are three main different types of insurance claims that you can [...]

By |January 8, 2011|Blog|

Can I get compensation for a scar obtained in a Toronto accident?

Toronto Injury Lawyer -- While many Ontario accident victims understand that a Toronto lawyer can help them receive compensation for a physical injury such as a broken leg, fractured wrist, or head trauma,  getting compensation for a scar may seem less obvious. Scars are proof of an injury and commonly [...]

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